Sunday, April 25, 2010

Revival of the blog, much to my dismay, I am learning that life does go on after Africa and it's time to get back to the blog. After all, the whole point of this "endeavor" is to try to be a little more open. The African adventure was just to be the beginning.

Ive been fortunate enough to do a nice amount of travelling and see some amazing places but, Ive had a hard time "getting over" Africa. Ive been struggling to figure out why it's had such an impact on me (aside from the obvious). Recently, Ive identified my feelings as just feeling unsettled or unfinished; like my time and purpose there is unfinished. I'm still working through it. This I do know- I will return.

In the mean time, I'm embarking on all new adventures. Some good, some not good and some I'm just not sure about. The good: LOTS of friends engaged over the past several months, so I'm looking forward to all of the festivities surrounding their engagements. The two things I'm not so sure about: Our recent move from our very urban loft to a house in the burbs. And, this little Ironman I signed up for. As much as I am excited about this, I am equally nervous.
And then, there is the not so good: trying to cope with my grandmother's, stage four, Pancreatic Cancer and the reality that I'm slowly losing someone who means the world to me and who plays such a huge role in my life.

That's it for now. I can't promise that it will be the most exciting blog in the world or that it will be updated frequently. But I can promise, Ill do my best to lay it all out there!

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